Behold: the newest version of my "classless" character creation and advancement system for
Lamentations of the Flame Princess!
CLICK HERE (or on the picture below) to view or download the PDF.
This is mostly a combination/reorganization of versions
2.1, and
2.2 into one document. I did scribble in some extra notes; I wanted it to have a very DIY look, like something idly scribbled on during class. My wife Jessica was kind enough to illustrate the project. I'm very pleased with the end result.
I've been continually playtesting these rules in my
current campaign, which I run more-or-less weekly. Feedback has been positive so far. I think the highest total level of any PC at this point is 5. There have been at least five PC deaths, so even if these rules make characters more powerful at low levels, they sure don't make them invincible.
A quick note on NPCs: I still use the default Saving Throw tables from
Rules & Magic for NPCs, and I generally treat NPCs with class levels as only having their normal abilities, rather than those granted to characters created with these house rules. (Two exceptions: NPCs also use the new magic system from
Vaginas Are Magic, and they use the skill list from my house rules.) I prefer to keep things simple, so I don't see the point of reworking every NPC in my game. I consider this to be a PC-only supplement, more-or-less. Naturally, you can do as you wish in your own campaign. I myself can't promise that I'll
never make exceptions.
I wonder what my players will see
in the final days. |
Update on 11/15/2019: Upgrade Patch 2.6 is available
HERE. The PDF itself has not been updated yet, but the addition is simple enough that you can just scribble it in if you want. That's what I did. :P